Thursday, 30 December 2010

ive decided my day tomorrow is going to be interesting .
me and dad are going to the tip- taking camera. facinating what people throw away.
then were going to hanley- sambas and adidas jacket.
Then im going up to the loft to investigate our past and start a photography project on my grandma and grandads love letters.
good day.
im also listening to this guy.allday.

Saturday, 25 December 2010

love christmas.
cant wait for tomorrow with the homedogs.
i need to go shopping- sambas, adidas jacket, vans jacket and half of the famous stars and straps line.
yess i do.

Friday, 24 December 2010

Jeeosoophatttt trigger its christmas eve.yeh it is. ha

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Good Good fact its one of the best of the year.

Monday, 20 December 2010


well uni works all handed
4 days until
loads of food and

its snowed again. apparently its given out extreme weather conditions for tonight so hopefully ill be stuck in my warm house with all my christmas food. instead of going to work in the concrete box.

ps. i think ive found what i want to photograph in life.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

This uni works wank.
i wish i could win a substantial amount of money and just fuck off. start again and only care about those that i want too.
however i am making plans to go to newyork for a break next year after my amazing 21st present to vegas and miami- hopefully all planes will not be able to run and i can stay there forever.
New yorks gonna be fun. the 2 travs homealone style. yesssss.

Well it snowed. as pretty as it is i didnt want it two weeks before deadline god damn- so incovenient. Fortunatley its going away now so i can get to uni on time the joy :)
I cant decide wether im most looking forward go hand in day or loan day. i think all three combined is enough to get me through this next week.

Erm im going sky diving.Hell yeah.In lasvegas.hell yeah. for my 21st.hell yeah hahahaha. yessss i am.

Monday, 22 November 2010

i really cant wait for it to snow again. apparently it will on wednesday. christmas day snow would be good. also ill have handed my uni work in by then.bonus. hmm gonna have to wait for that day.

i can honestly say ive had one of the best weekends of the year. being at this and another lovley ladies birthday party of celebrating oldness then lounging round hungover with champagne and pizza.
if anyone could tell me a better way of spending your life id like to know right now.
i wish every weekend could be like the last- making memories with friends and laughing at what influences alcohol have on you.
this girl means the world to me and anyone who says different should come to be and ill put them straight. full stop.

new chapter.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


My fashion project is seriously killing me at the moment.
i have to spend all my time looking at pretty kicks and i cant buy any of them. i want to rob a bank. or at least the adidas original warehouse.

if i every have a little boy im going to dress him like this.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

i have no motivation to move what so ever. im currently in bed with my patchwork quilt luckycharms and with bladerunner on.
i also appreciate my central heating and how loving my rat it. :)
however im sure the world is still turning without me outside so i supose ive got to get up at some point.maybe to go to the pub with my family? im becoming quite a home bird these days enjoying time with the harper/quinn company.
maybe im getting old.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

i want a friendship like this..a second person that is the same as you but better.
someone you can hate the world on and love it at the same time.
some one you can cry on and ring them where ever you are.
some one that at one phone call would run through the night to be at your side.
im lucky i dont have this with one person. i have it with quite a few.

my head sometimes seems scattered. all i want to do is get away.
people say money doesnt bring you happyness but not having money is making me pretty unhappy right now, so isnt it the same answer but in reverse?
no money doesnt bring you happyness but it makes you life a whole lot fucking better.

i am starting to come around to my uni work theres a long way to go but im sure i can see a slither of light somewhere.

Monday, 1 November 2010

died at your life now.

im sat watching this trying to relate it to modernism for my essay. all i can think is BULLSHIT. id give anything to be abl to get my work over and done with in 1 day.
i dont think the man upstairs loves me that much.

snake charmer.

Monday, 18 October 2010


todays making me think boooo.
purely because my head is so blagged all the time!
uni work is taking over my life t the minute.its so much work to put together and my mind isnt being as creative as i would like at the moment. im starting to think its not cut 2 do this kind of work but then the other half of me says ive gotta keep going ill be fine.
im just starting something new but im not sure what path its going to go down but i hope it works out, i really hope it does.
same shit different day right.?

Wednesday, 1 September 2010


that special little boy i told you about has taken up part of my day today.he gets cuter by the second so tiny and just chills getting used to his surroundings.i wish i could do that again.nowadays everyones always in a do this and that but sometimes you need to stop to apprieciate living all the things that seem natural to you seem alien to someone reach the light we have to experience the dark.

this couple and girl makes dancing fit.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

this is a good day

1. i have had radical black stripes in my cherry red hair.i felt like a change. of my best friends has had a beautiful baby boy im not really the maternal type but since talking to a bump and feeling him kick out waiting to be part of the outside world i had warmed to having children of my own someday and i cant wait to meet the special little man ive had in my life for the last 9 months :) off to the pub for a casual wednesday night catch up with 5 of my truely amazing friends.

Friday, 16 July 2010

friday of chill

these people are what make up my friday of nothingness. the first friday in a while in bed.
makes the day go a little quicker and helps to think about going to work later less.
i want to win the lottery so i could do this everyday.

Monday, 29 March 2010

A few pictures that some up my mind.