whats the point?
i dont know but i know there isnt one unless you try.
ive recently watched a documentary on Jim Nachtwey-a war photographer.
ive never really thought about going to different countries where the war is everyday life and documenting it for the rest of the world to see.
i recon i could stomach it. some people cant handle the tragedy. the grief. the death. the destruction.
After watching this guy silently take images of dead bodies and grieving mothers ive realised that you have to switch off.
you cant let your emotions get in. you do your job and get out. you dont have an opinion. you dont get a say. your dont get to protest and you cant question if your making a living of others sorrow. these people need there story heard. they need the world to know what people are doing to them.
After thinking about this for some time. ive decided im so unbelievably selfish. not to the point where i dont care about others because i do. the people close to me are my life. i know alot of people say ohh id do anything for my mates but then there friends want something of theres and they dont want to hear about it.
im not like that if you are special in my eyes you get what you want.
but i mean the human race in general is so materialistic. oh i haven't got enough money for clothes or the £60 tattoo that i need.
dont get me wrong im like this.
but if you sit and think of a situation where another human being is at risk would you sacrifice all of these things for that persons life. and if you did would they appreiciate it?
this is a thing in life you have to decide. i can guarentee that the situation wont happen to at least 60% of you but just incase.
just think.
now i dont really show emotion. i can look at shocking images and watch disturbing videos and i can go and carry on with my life quite fine. but this documentary changed something about me. its graphic and detail. i dont think its what its what i saw that effects me its the thought of being in that situation. thinking life can really get that bad someday.
its horrific.