i know the image has been turned on its side but the image captured cant possibly be true.
the feeling of falling is a feeling most people in life get at one point or another, the feeling that theres no one or nothing there to catch you when you trip or fall.
life comes with many of these hiccups. a mistake you or another has made one that seems that bad that it could change your life forever.
last week a man jumped from a cinema ramp near my house. i walk past that ramp and underneath it at least one point in the week. i stop and think every time what must have been going through his head at that exact point that he let go.or the moment before his body hit the concrete. this is morbid i now but i think because i've never been in the situation or even close to that extreme that it fascinates me.
how know body could talk him down.
how not one point of his life was worth climbing down for.
boggles my mind.
i dont know if things could get that bad in my life to feel like that.
infact im sure it could.
but im gonna try my damn hardest not to be anywhere close to feeling like that.
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